Tuesday, July 23, 2013

From the Bubble's Point of View

Today I got a much later start at filling my jar with those rocks. I had some early morning commitments that didn't allow me to begin until just before noon. I noticed that my usual spot on my downstairs deck (my house is a bi-level) was still wet, so I sat on the upstairs one - those chairs had already dried in the sun. And, as I was already running late and really need those rocks in my jar, I decided not to waste any more time by having to dry those chairs! As I sat quietly before beginning my reading, a thought came to my mind - perspective.

From the view upstairs things looked similar, yet very different. Instead of the base of the large pines, I could only see the tops. They were still glistening with the caught drops of rain that had not yet dried from the storm. Instead of the natural wall of the lilac bush downstairs, I could only see the tips of each one, but noticed a shimmering strand of spiderweb connected between the two.

Because there isn't a covering over the entire section where I was sitting, I had a larger view of the sky. The sun moved in and out of the clouds. Most of them were gray, but still formed gorgeous shapes as they were blown across the sky. The breeze kept everything in constant motion, changing the patterns and designs, the light and the shadow.

I was able to see my garden from my "bird's eye view" and noticed several white butterflies (cabbage moths, unfortunately) flitting among the plants. From downstairs, the chair I normally sit in is turned the other direction, and I don't see my garden at all from that vantage point. Besides the moths, I could also see the little finches and song sparrows perched in the tops of the nearby trees. Sitting downstairs I can obviously still hear them, but they are hidden from sight.

All of this got me thinking back to yesterday's post (hey, two posts in a row! I think that's a new record for me!) about onions, rocks, and bubbles. While putting those rocks into my jar, I had the perspective of a bubble. I was looking at those familiar things around me in a different way. Not sticking to just what I normally see down there on the ground level, but rising up to see things at a higher one. Looking down and around, but also up all at the same time. Floating on the breeze, but yet taking time to ponder and think about what is important in my life. Keeping what's most important in my line of sight, but allowing myself to look outside of my normal perspective in search of things beyond the ordinary. 

I think I like being a bubble!  

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